Friday, October 7, 2011

an update

1. JOB
Nothing too new, really, since I don't start until the end of the month. I did find out that I'll be earning a little more than I expected because I'm on the bilingual team, which is pretty sweet, and if I don't use their health insurance I can make even more. Since I'm covered by my parents' insurance (which is actually better than what the health insurance company I'll be working for is offering me...weird...) until I'm twenty-six, I may as well take the extra money for the next three years. Moneymoneymoooney...MOOONEH. Sorry. I'm a dork.

I've started working on a short story for a Halloween contest I stumbled upon. The prize is a thirty-dollar gift card for Amazon, but I'm more concerned with the experience. If I can impress this website, maybe I can impress a literary agent.

I've also started writing down the dreams I have every night. I haven't been sleeping well because I've had some weird dreams lately. Some of them are just stupid and the result of watching too much TV (like being on a cruise with the characters from The Big Bang Theory...what? Leonard is CUTE!) but some of them are unusual and kind of creepy. A lot of the time I can't remember much about them by the time I'm fully awake, but I always feel kind of unsettled for the rest of the day. I figure writing them down as soon as I wake up might help me remember them better, and maybe some of them will provide inspiration for future stories. I might even start posting my dream journal on another blog after a while.

Um...I read the Spanish instructions on the back of a package of Tollhouse Cookies tonight. Does that count?

Ha, yeah, right. If I haven't been keeping up with my Spanish do you honestly think I've started studying a completely new language?

I COOKED SOMETHING! I made this super unhealthy (but unbelievabely delicious) dip for Katie's bridal shower last week. It has spicy ground beef, cream cheese, tomatoes, chilis, and cilantro. Everyone really seemed to like it, and it tasted like it does when my mom makes it, so I'd call that a success.

I haven't been downtown since I went to the Jungle Theater, but hopefully I can change that soon. I really wanted to go to the Guthrie and see Much Ado About Nothing but I don't know if I'll have a free weekend before its run ends.

...I fail. This is one reason I miss Winona. I walked EVERYWHERE. I didn't have a car, so I didn't have any other option. Eagan is not quite as walk-able.

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