Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I made dinner last night! My mom had this recipe for chicken bruschetta pasta and it was SOOOOO good! I also bought tomato and herb provincial bread from Pardon my French (aka the most magically delicious cafe in the south metro) to go along with it and it was delicious. Mom put the recipe in grandma's recipe box, and hopefully by the time I move out it will be full of tasty things that I will have mastered in the kitchen.

I checked out a set of Italian language CD's from the library a few days, but I have yet to listen to one of them. Oh, well. Baby steps. I'll load them onto my itunes tonight. I don't even know why I'm bothering, because I have no idea when I'll be able to visit Italy again, but at least I'll be prepared when I do.

Katie's wedding is this weekend. I need to make sure my bra (STRAPLESS BRAS SEND ME INTO FITS OF RAGE)is covered by the dress. The bachelorette party was last weekend and we had a lot of fun, but I discovered that I can't drink as much as I could when I was in school. I've only been out of school for about a month and a half and I'm already a lightweight. Oh, well. At least I'll spend less money on drinks, and it's probably a good thing that I can't disinigrate my liver by consuming massive amounts of alcohol.

Eh. Not much else to say. I'll probably update next week.

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